UNIT NINE’S 5 mins with our favourites - Transpose Fitness

We love love love to smash out a boxing session, there is nothing like the feeling of hitting pads until you can’t hold your arms up and sweating so much you can’t see out of your eyes anymore!  We have one on one training with the fierce and talented duo at TRANSPOSE FITNESS, so we thought we would share with you a little bit about this talented pair of Zach Vickers & Siannon Pallister.



How did you originally get into Boxing?

Z - I started boxing from a young age, my uncle was a world traveller in the field of martial arts, from boxing to kick boxing through to ju-jitsu he was always seeking new found knowledge and wisdom. When I was young I used to love hearing his stories of how he trained in all of these disciplines in different parts of the world. As a young boy you could only imagine the excitement and curiosity it sparked within me.

When I was ready, he began teaching me the art of boxing. It is a memory that 18 years on still seems so clear, twice a week he would drive over in his bright red beat up panel van, the one he used for work (carpenter by trade), and grab his gear bag out of the back, I’d be roaring to go all dressed and waiting in the garage that we used as the pop up gym at the time. He'd take me through all my warm ups and then we would begin the lesson every second seemed to fly by as I was completely transfixed by trying to absorb as much of the knowledge he was imparting on me. From here the seconds grew to minutes, minutes to hours, and hours to years and now the rest is history. Still to this day I continue to grow and develop my skills in the art of boxing with my coach.


S - I used to box with a trainer when I was in my late teens nothing to serious just developing my fitness and trying to stay in the best shape for work. When I met Zach I started boxing a lot more and developing my skills and understanding further. I love everything about boxing it’s such a good release for me and works in so well with my other forms of training. I use boxing as an explosive outlet and then balance that out with yoga and pilates that for myself are a lot more meditative, slow and controlled.

Why do you love what you do?

There is the famous saying that is often said. ‘find what you love and you will never work a day in your life’. for us we love the physicality involved in teaching people how to box and taking them through a workout. It is such a fulfilling feeling when you see your clients progress and grow, each movement becoming more explosive, more fluid and effortless these small accomplishments make all the early hours and late nights worth doing what we do.

Another one of the things we love and enjoy doing is shooting and videography. They both work so well together. it helps us to convey messages that we are trying to tell through graphic imagery in stills through to movement in video.

However like every business and venture there is always room for improvement. It’s our job to find these areas and improve them so that not only do we enjoy what we do even more but so that our clients and friends can enjoy what we do as well.

What do you think is the main benefit your clients get from boxing?

Everybody is so unique we are all different and we all have different drivers and motives as to why we do what we do. Everybody comes to us for so many different reasons. some are coming to supplement their current workout program and to just mix it up a little. Others are coming because of the desire to reach a certain goal weight.

We think what’s special are the ones that are coming to box because they are looking for something a little more than the physical benefits. Boxing can provide so much more then tight muscles and a six pack it really can serve as a form of meditation and outlet for those looking to release their daily anxieties and stresses. It really is a powerful tool when used in a positive and constructive way.

We are seeing more and more women getting into boxing, what do you think is drawing them to taking it up?

This is a question that has been getting thrown around a lot as of late. We don't think that boxing has made a surge in the recent months. Boxing has always remained a steady form of exercise of choice for a lot of women and men all around the world. We don't think that there will ever be a time when boxing isn't in the top 5 exercises of choice.

For women it’s such an empowering form of training, through learning self-defence and the ability to stay fit and active. A combination the works well for most  looking to increase their weekly activities and general health.

What is your favourite boxing drill for your clients?

Boxing is a sport built on drills. without drills you cannot improve your skills.

If we had to choose one, it would be a combination of jump rope and dumbbell punching whilst working in sprints.


1 min jump rope - 20 fast (High knees) 10 Normal rotations

1 Min Jab, Cross, Jab, Cross.

(2 min round 30 sec rest x 5)

Such a simple drill but one that we promise if you are giving it your all will make you sweat and burn.

Where do you guys get your sweat on?

Z - I box four times a week with my coach and will add in coastal runs when not boxing.
S - I mix it up a lot I'm at pilates 2 x per week, then I box 2 x a week with the addition of a strength and conditions day with Alexa at 98 Riley street. On a Sunday I will try and do a bit of yoga as a form of relaxation and balancing to start fresh for the new week.

Where is your favourite spot to refuel?

We tend to go to our good friends’ 'Porch and Parlour' they always have good food on offering along with friendly staff and it helps that the owner is a good friend x.

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