UNIT NINE'S 5 mins with our favourites - Jess Sepel

We were so excited and grateful to see one of our health and wellbeing inspirations on our yoga mats first of all and then we had a chance to chat with Jess (expert nutritionist and 2 x best-selling health author) and hear more about her and the amazing things ahead at JSHealth. 

You have a mouth-watering Instagram feed of the incredible recipes you have created. What was your motivation for becoming a nutritionist and dedicating your career to health?

I’ve always had a passion for living the healthy life. However, I became motivated to study it after following my own health journey – from years of fad dieting to finally finding peace with my body and my health on a wholefood diet.


Who has been the biggest influence in your life and why?

My family. My Mum especially – she’s the best cook I know and raised us in such a healthy, supportive environment.

 What does a day in the life of Jess look like?

 I like to wake up around 7am and spend the next hour on my healthy morning routine (you can read all about it in my 8-week online Program). I usually practice yoga or go for a walk in nature then make myself a nourishing breakfast (usually my JSHealth Protein Power Smoothie) and have my one coffee for the day. I start work around 9:30am and this can include anything from recipe development, writing blog posts, interviewing inspiring people for Juice with Jess etc. I switch off around 6pm and like to cook a delicious dinner for my hubby (my JSHealth Cauliflower Rice is my go-to at the moment) then have a bath, watch a favourite show of ours or read a book before bed.  

How important is exercise to your daily routine?

Exercise is such an important part of my daily routine – but I make sure that I listen and respect my body. Some days I’ll have the energy to do a HIIT workout class for 20-30 minutes (following the exercise protocol in the JSHealth Program) but other times, I’lI crave a more relaxing workout so will just do a yin yoga class or go for a walk in nature.

What type of exercise can we find you doing?

At the moment I am loving yoga, pilates and walking. But I do try and 1-2 short HIIT sessions a week.

The word ‘balance’ is used a lot, what does this mean to you?

Balance to me is being able to feel happy and healthy in everything I do. It means that having a glass of red wine and some chocolate on the weekend and feeling great about it, not guilty. Balance is all about having perspective and not being obsessed with your health.

 Whats next for you and JS Health?

 There is so much happening at JSHealth – I am overwhelmed and so excited and grateful for what this community has become. I have some great collaborations in the works with different brands, some of you may have also seen my new product which I am launching soon (stay tuned!). I will be back in L.A. next year which also always opens up amazing opportunities for me. I am also currently filming my Juice with Jess Video Wellness Series which I am just blown away by as every person I interview just astounds me!

Where can we find you?

Instagram @jshealth

Facebook https://www.facebook.com/JSHealth/?fref=ts

Website www.jessicasepel.com

Buy your books http://www.jessicasepel.com/shop/

Join your 8 week program https://theprogram.jessicasepel.com

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